Saturday, November 10, 2012

truer than ever

                                            Why Are Good People
                                           Liberals ?

 If you are a conservative think about it for a minute. What would compel some one who for all intense and purposes is just like you, to have such a convoluted view of politics? I mean after all they are your neighbors, coworkers, and friends. We spend time socializing with them .We get together in our homes and spend time with them in and out of work. We raise our children together taking them to sports and school functions. Our close friends even become confidants and people who we share our lives with. They seem to be just like us and yet when you get right down to it their politics run totally against all that we believe in. As a matter of fact they are the enemy! The politicians that they vote for are with out question Anti American. All you have to do is look at their voting records and it is clear. The people they put into office vote against our Country and the Judges that they appoint are hostile to the very Constitution that they are bound to protect.
 Now, it is very hard to understand because they don’t look like Socialist. They don’t march around like Communist waving red flags with hammers and sickles on them. Yet they vote for politicians who are. What could possibly be the explanation? I mean after all they live in the same country with the same freedoms as us and have just as much to lose if we lose those freedoms. So how can they follow and support tyrants like John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Tom Daschle, and scoundrels like Bill and Hillary Clinton?
 Are these people we know really in support of killing hundreds of thousand babies a year? Do they really believe that the thousands of years of the traditional family should be replaced by allowing not only homosexuals to marry but to also remove the father?  Do they really believe that our Constitution should be replaced by activist Judges who are accountable to no one, to guide our country? Do they really believe all of the distortions, lies and deceit coming from their candidates? Or could there be something else that makes them ignore all of these things? Kind of like the old (See No Evil, Hear No Evil)?  
   I have wondered about this for many years and have been at a loss to explain it until recently.  After all when you try and have an honest discussion about issues with these seemingly normal people they fly off the handle every time. As soon as you try and pin them down on an issue they start spewing all manner of personal insults towards you and your political beliefs.  It then occurred to me that they have no intentions of discussing issues at all. Why is their response so inappropriate and hostile? What are they afraid of and Why? As I thought about it the answer came to me. They are not interested in the facts or the truth there is something which is more important to them than the truth. Now the question is what could be so important to these people that they are willing to give up their very freedoms to obtain it?

  Well, I have noticed something in talking to liberals. Call it a trend or similarity if you will. How ever if you listen to a Liberal long enough sooner or later you will catch it. You have to be looking for it or you will miss it hidden in all of the hype and sophistry but it is there. The reason, the justification, the over riding excuse for their irrational behavior. I call it (the what’s in it for me syndrome) that’s right hidden in there you will hear them say it. But when Republicans are in office I lose…. what ever it is. They will steal my Social Security, the Base will close and I’ll lose my benefits, I’ll lose the contract, they will do away with my program, I won’t qualify for assistance, I won’t get the scholarship, I’ll lose some of my union benefits, I’ll lose my health care benefits, and on and on and on. That’s right when Democrats are in power the money flows! The social programs flourish and the giveaways abound.
 The bottom line is that these people are all lined up at the great TEAT of the socialist party in this country in one way or another, and even though they would never admit it they will over look anything in order to receive their security. Damn the nation and its people who have to slave to pay the taxes for their security. Damn those who gave their very lives to make this a free and great nation. Damn those rugged individuals who through great personal cost set this nation on the road to freedom. They have become as slaves to their master to receive what ever their poison no matter what the cost, even lost Liberty. They are willing to turn the other way and let this Country fall into the hands of Communist in order to get their thirty pieces of silver.
 Now you may disagree but the next time you are talking with a Liberal listen close and you just may hear it tucked deep in their conversation. Listen.
                                                                                                               A Citizen      

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