Pearl Harbor had nothing over last night’s
election result, which is the real day that will live in infamy. If you love
this nation of ours, the way it was founded, last night’s results sent a chill
down your spine, not a tingle up your leg. For you
realize that as founded America no longer exists. Listen to the words of
Thomas Jefferson "The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield
and government to gain ground." “The democracy will cease to exist when
you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would
not.” “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the
government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking
care of them.” “My reading of history convinces me that most bad governments
result from too much government.”
Now, listen to
the words of
the late Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931 - 2005 "You cannot legislate the poor
into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person
receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not
first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that
they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and
when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody
else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end
of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
1972 my sophomore year of high school , I took my last history class, for
starting my junior year history was replace with social studies which right
there say allot about yesterday’s election. My History teacher Mr. Kellicky
(not sure of the spelling) had us read a little book called the land of ID. It
spelled out the destruction of the greatest kingdom of the land because of the
exact reasons Dr. Rogers gives above. I have never forgotten the lesson of that
little book but never dreamed that I would live to see the destruction of this
great country by its means. Obviously our founding fathers were aware of the
danger but the people of today are clueless, they are lambs being led to
I know that this is anecdotal but I can’t help
but see Dr. Rogers’s principle in this example. I own a small business where I
distribute candy and snacks to small variety stores all over Massachusetts and
Rhode Island. I have many accounts in major cities like Boston, Providence,
Worcester, Lawrence and others. What I witness every day is very telling. I
watch people in these stores carry multiple items to the counter which they pay
for by swiping their welfare or EBT cards. They then proceed to pull wads of
cash from their pockets to purchase their cigarettes and lottery tickets all while talking on their smart phones and I
know how expensive it is to own one because I had to get one to do business. This
is such a common occurrence that I can’t help but notice. Now I am working, I
own a business, I pay taxes, and I don’t have a wad of cash in my pocket to
blow. So, that begs the question why do I have to pay for their junk food,
sodas, and items that they are paying a premium for in a small store as
compared to what they would pay for in a super market so that they can have
blow money for their vices? I also live across the street from section eight
housing where I, as a tax payer in my town am subsidizing their rent, fuel,
food, clothing, etc. and yet they have newer cars parked in front of their
apartments than I drive. They have their giant scree TV’s showing through their
windows. Their children have the best of clothes, toys, and all the latest
phones and I pods, and new digital, computer whatever’s.
offends me the most is that there are people who will read this and consider me
a bigot and a racist for even mentioning the obvious insanity that the left
calls compassion. Their compassion is nothing short of vote buying and it is
now clear that they have succeeded in buying off enough people between those on
the dole and those on the take (IE) Government employees, that the working
people the middle class is now enslaved to those who are the takers. Oh, and
you think that what I have already said makes me a racist try this on for size.
Why are these people allowed to vote in the first place? If I have to pay your
way through life because you are unwilling to take a risk and fend for
yourself, if you are unwilling to work and pay you’re fair share in taxes then
why should you be able to vote? You don’t have any skin in the game. It doesn’t
matter to you what the tax rates are or how much gas cost or what it cost to run
a business or raise a family in this day and age or put you kids through
college because I do all of that for you. So, why are you allowed to choose the
people who determine where and how the money is spent and who gets it? Oh, and just to be fair all of you union
municipal, State and Government workers why are you allowed to vote? After all
when I work at a company I don’t get to pick the owner or the management team.
Those who determine what my compensation or benefits will be. So why are you
able to vote for those who will set you up with the best package? After all I
am your employer; you work for me the tax payer. I am the one who puts the
money in the coffers to be doled out to you through your unions who use tactics
like collective bargaining to muscle and extort the communities to give you
benefits that we could never hope for.
said in the beginning that these people who voted to keep Obama as President
and Harry Reid as Senate majority leader were sheep being led to the slaughter.
Anyone heard of Greece or Spain or France? Where do you think we are headed?
Trust me it won’t be long (mid-January) when taxmageddon hits that there will
be riots in our streets between the takers and the providers just like in
Europe. How long will it be before, like in France Obama and the Senate pushes
the tax rate to 75% and industry and business flee along with the wealthy to
other countries? Boy you union people are shrewd all this talk about Bush and
NAFTA moving jobs overseas , this is going to make that look like a drop in the
I am sorry to say that short of a revolution as Thomas Jefferson suggested was
needed when your government gets out of hand. I believe that it is time for the
honest law abiding hard working citizens of this nation to take up arms and
prepare to defend your selves and your families. This is going to make the TV
show “The Walking Dead” look like a stroll in the park. If you ever wondered
how the Patriots must have felt going up against the British I believe that you
are going to find out sooner than later.
am well aware that there are a vast amount of events that have taken place in
recent years to move us in this direction, both political and cultural. Not the
least of which is the traitors in the main stream media choosing sides to
protect a president who is nothing short of a traitor. Who knowingly let
Americans die for political expedience and then cover it up with a lie, as
opposed to using their freedom of the press and carrying out their
constitutional duty to protect our freedom to inform us and be the watch dog of
our government. To the cancer of political correctness on our free society and
it’s castration of the vast majority of the Republican leadership. However, it
is my opinion that now that the middle class, working, tax paying people, have
been disenfranchised we are done for. We are clearly no longer the United
States of America as founded. We will in short order be run over by the rest of
the world and freedom will be lost!
A Citizen
man without a country
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