Saturday, November 10, 2012

My first

                                                 HISTORIANS WILL CALL
                                           THEM OUR GREATEST THREAT

Would it have been Adolph Hitler? Or maybe Lenin, Stalin or Marxs? Was it Hiro hito or ToJo, Was it Chiang Kai- shek, Ho Chi Minh or Mao Tse-tung? Was it Brezhnev or Fidel Castro or maybe Saddam Hussein or Osama binLaden that posed the greatest threat to the sovereignty of these United States of America? No, those who pose the greatest threat this country has ever faced in its history are Brokaw, Jennings, and Rather. Don’t get me wrong they are not the only ones in the mainstream media who are involved in what I would consider Treasonous acts against their country. They however epitomize the very conduct that is bent on destroying the greatest and unarguably freest country our world has ever experienced. Ridiculous you say! How could that be? They are at the very top of their field, won all kinds of awards in their profession. They are respected here and around the world. That is all true except, the very thing that they are constitutionally bound to do is to tell us the truth! And that’s the one thing that they cannot do. Let me explain.

            Our Founding Fathers, good Englishmen that they were, understood only too well that if their new representative republic was going to have a chance of survival there was one thing that would have to change, The King’s News. That is to say that the people would have to have access to the truth. You see the King’s News is the only news that the king allows you to hear. Thomas Jefferson put it this way, “ if all the American people new all of the facts they will never make a mistake.” In other words a free people can only be self-governed if they receive the whole truth about its government.  The very reason the press was included in the first amendment of our constitution was so that they could be the watchdogs of our newly established government. You see the States were very concerned about giving up some of their hard-won sovereignty to a central government with too much power. If their government could control the press by threatening retaliations, imprisonment, or death then they could ultimately subdue the truth just as their last tyrannical leader had. Thus it is very clear to this citizen that our free press has a constitutional and moral obligation to do just that. They must tell us the truth, but do they? Oh they must be telling us what they believe to be the truth you say. They are very important national figures. They are in front of millions of viewers every night. How could they not tell us what they believe to be the truth? They must just have a different point of view than you do. Or are you trying to imply that there is some insidious goings on that we are unaware of. Lets consider this.

            Our country is run by a two party system of government. These two parties have considerable philosophical differences concerning the direction in which they believe our country should move in on many vital issues. Now if our free press was to operate as our Founding Fathers had intended we would receive a balanced account of the goings on in our government. Both views of an issue would be presented to the people without biases. Leaving us accurately informed and allowing us to base our political decisions soundly based on facts. Now even though there is steady flow of evidence that challenges this conclusion there is a large portion of our population that believe that what I have just described is what actually occurs. In fact I find that most people just assume that because we are free and live in America that things must be going right and that there is really no need for concern. For surly if matters of great importance like our freedom were being threatened or undermined someone would surly sound the alarm. After all this is America isn’t it? Look at what the response was to the attack on Pearl Harbor and to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The response was not just that of our government like it is in other nations around the world. Our response was an unstoppable and overwhelming title wave of over300 million individuals coming together to defeat an adversary. This is a unique phenomenon that dates back to our humble begging as a nation and one that our enemies always underestimate. Or do they?

            Just imagine what happens to a country when the people do not receive accurate and truthful information about their government and their intentions. Wait a minute you don’t have to imagine all you have to do is look at history. The results of that scenario are as numerous as the stars and plain for all eyes to see. That is for those eyes that care to see.  I’ve got an example if you don’t mind. Does the name Chernobyl ring any bells? How about those old Soviets and their Provda? I wonder if we will ever know the full devastating results to the citizenry because of their state run media and its total subversion and distortions of the truth. Just think of all those little ones, you know the children that our media is always so gallantly trying to protect. But I regress. The plain truth is that the Russian media was not only directed to lie but was a willing accomplice. That is due mainly to their personally held political beliefs. The single most disturbing fact to me is that the Russian people still watched the news and read their papers every day just like we do. Is there a sane person alive today that would suppose that those people didn’t know that they were being lied to?

            Well now let us pick an issue from our own press that is being dealt with today and see how our boys are doing in the truth department. There are hundreds of examples to choose from that would amply make my point but lets pick one of those attacks on our basic freedoms. You know the kind of attack that you would assume any reasonable anchor from one of our three largest networks would sound the alarm and alert the people to. That issue is gun control, I.E. the ban, the sale of, and the possession of certain guns, and full registration of all gun owners. Yes you’ve heard it all on the nightly news the liberals in our government are going to make us all safer. They are going to get the guns off the streets and out of the hands of our children. There will be no more Columbines. We are going to save the children! Now how could anyone argue with that?   Well unless of course you understand the reason our Fore Fathers added the second amendment to our constitution you probably wouldn’t. By the way it has been my experience that when some one talks to me about the issue that not one has been able to tell me what the second amendment says or why it even exists. Well here’s what it say [A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.] This seems to me to be pretty strait forward and simple amendment to understand, and it is. So what’s the rub? Well the rub is why is it there? Why do we need the right to bear arms? Whom do we need protection from? Well every time I pose that question I am informed that we don’t, that the constitution is old and is an outdated document because we have evolved into such a modern society. Their implication is that we no longer need to keep a squirrel gun over the fireplace to protect us from the hostiles or the British. Now is that who we need protection from? Let me share with you a quote I found in a very interesting book titled You Don’t Say written by Fred Gielow. See if you can figure out who said it  This year will go down in history! For the first time a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police will be more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future.”  This statement sounds remarkably like the rhetoric the three amigos spread from there pulpits, sorry news desks every night. Nope, Adolph Hitler spoke these words in 1935.By disarming the German people Hitler rendered them defenseless to oppose him. Thomas Jefferson said “When the government fears the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” Try and remember the picture that ran in the paper the day after the seizure of little Elian Gonzalas. You remember, the one with the heavily armed and helmeted Federal Officer and his Assault weapon stuck in the little boys face. Get the picture? James Madison said “Americans need never fear their government because of the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation.” It is also stated in The Communist Rules of Revolution Register all firearms, under any pretext, as a prelude to confiscating them.” It is stated in our own Declaration of Independence that “Among these rights is the right to change or abolish any government that tries to take those rights away.” Do you suppose that the three amigos are totally unaware of these facts? As smart and revered as these men are, do you suppose that they are unaware of their responsibility to the constitution and us? Then why haven’t they sounded the alarm? If they are willing to turn the other way or even worse mislead us on such an issue than what makes you think that they are guarding our rights in other matters?

            It is my firm belief that these men have chosen sides. Based on their own personal and political beliefs they have chosen to ignore their constitutional duty to be the watchdog of the government. They have chosen to distort the truth and deceive the very people that they are supposed to protect and in the process lead them to destruction. Sounds a lot like Provda to me. And haven’t you noticed to what lengths they will go to use their Bully pulpit to protect those who are trying to steal our freedoms? I have a few examples. Bill and Hillary, Al Gore, Barney Frank, Ted Kennedy, Tom Daschle, Jocelyn Elders, and Janet Reno and their countless lies, scandals, misdeeds, corruptions, treasonous acts, and total disregard to the rule of law. These are the people who act like Hitler and his cohorts. However the people that the press chooses to vilify using their new tool of Political Correctness are the people who are our freedom fighters. Former President Ronald Reagan, former Speaker of The House Newt Gingrich, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Nominee for The Supreme Court Robert Bork, and Special Prosecutor Ken Star just to name a few. These are the people they accuse of acting like Hitler. What could possibly compel the three amigos to do this? Unless of course their personal and political beliefs are in lock step with the person who mandated  “and the world will follow us into the future.” I would also ask why they support so vehemently the Liberals and their agenda? The cancer they have been implementing into our society over the last 60 years while they were in control of our legislative branch have moved us perilously close to the abyss. Using the tools of Political correctness and their willing accomplices in the press these politicians have been able to place socialist into just about every vital and important aspect of our society, including socialist judges into our highest courts. These are the very judges who are charged with interrupting or constitution. This can’t be really happening in the United Sates it must be a movie you say. No sadly this is happening right now under your very noses.

            Lady’s and gentlemen our free press has been overthrown and replaced with a propaganda machine. Not in the middle of the night under the cover of darkness. Not in dark seedy back rooms. But right in front of us in broad daylight! We have allowed the three amigos to distract us while their political brothers have slowly and quietly dismantled the only mechanisms our fore fathers gave us as free individuals to protect our self’s from their tyranny. And all the while you have kept up with your busy lives and paid little or no attention. You have fallen into their hands and accepted their lies and have even labeled those who would warn you as crackpots, kooks, and nuts. So what will you do when freedom is lost?

            So what prompted me to become a kook? Well, one day while listening to one of today’s freedom fighters Rush Limbaugh .A caller was sharing their concerns on the media and their handling or spin on a subject. When the caller started to rail against the media Rush said that we all know that the media bias exists and that the media will not change. He further stated that he could devote every show to uncovering and revealing media bias, but that he would rather devote his show to the discussion of substantive issues of the day. Well, my first thought was, sure how long will it be before they remove your right to do so. Especially since the Liberals have already tried to pass the Bill Clinton fairness in broadcasting act. My second thought was that everything ells becomes a mute point if we loose our freedom. Because then all speech will be restricted or suppressed, and there will be no discussion substantive or not. We will be reduced to listening to only the propaganda and lies of our own Provda. So maybe it’s high time someone started to fight the Three Amigos on a full time basis, doggedly perusing them and revealing them for who they really are. “Those who want to reap the benefits of this great nation must bear the fatigue of supporting it.” Thomas Payne.       WHY NOT? AFTER ALL. ALL WE HAVE TO LOSE IS FREEDOM ITSELF!

                                                                                                          A Citizen

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