Friday, November 9, 2012

after 9/11

                                                    Reply to Thich Nhat Hanh
                                           What I Would Say To Osama bin Laden

 The first observation that I made when I read this article was that there was no truth to be found in it. The author of the article tries to pass himself off as some kind of higher spiritually and morally motivated individual than the rest of us heathens of the West. He does this by constantly referring to some higher level of understanding that he has reached by following the Zen Buddhist teaching of mindfulness, deeper listening, and a calm lucid consciousness. Hog wash! Mr. Thich spends four pages to justify the acts of an evil vicious mad man and condemn the innocent victims for they surly deserved to be destroyed.
  The second thing I noticed in this article is that Osama is never condemned for his true cowardice and evil acts. It is clear from the first answer given that Osama was and is just a poor victim and has suffered terribly at the hands of the evil west. The only admonishments given are to the oppressors in the west, meaning the United Sates. What awful things must we have done to this poor man to make him do such evil things? He clearly states that we are the root of this poor mans suffering that led him to violence. He clearly states over and over in his article that we, the United Sates need too listen deeply to recognize were we went wrong so that we can mend our ways so as to lead to peace.
 So what Mr. Monk is saying is that if we had only done some deeper listening to say Hitler, or Herio Hito, or Stalin just to name a few we could have avoided World war Two? Wow if we had only known.
 Well, lets look at where we went wrong with poor Osama shall we? What exactly was it that drove him over the top and forced him into such desperate measures. Instead of Osama growing up in the middle of the Saudi Arabian desert as a goat herder.  He grew up in opulence in a family that were Millionaires and had more money than most third world countries annual budgets. How did this come about? How did such a poor nation become one of the richest in the world? You got it the evil Americans. Do you suppose that one of Osama’s ancestors stubbed his toe on a rock one day and discovered oil under the feet of his goats? Then carried the oil in buckets to the waiting tankers in the Arabian Sea? I think not. Who was it that had the technology and money to find the oil and drill it, refine it, lay the pipes to the coast, build the storage tanks, build the docks, and the tankers necessary to distribute the finished product? It was us. Now, after all was done, did we kick the goat herders out in the desert and take the oil? No of course not all we asked after we turned these goat herders into filthy rich Sheiks and Sultans is that they sell us the oil at a reasonable price. By the way have they? Can you imagine the utter gal and audacity we had to do such a thing? But that’s not all. We didn’t stop the cruel torture there. Did poor Osama get his education written in the sand on the floor of his tent? No he was educated in the finest schools and Universities in the world. You got it he was educated in the evil west. You know where the children have seen 100,000 acts of violence before they get to grammar school. We also let him take advantage of all our country has to offer because we are a free nation and he used it against us in the end. My God how could he stand it? Oh Zen Master Thich if only you had been available for some deep listening you may have been able to save him! So I guess his only hope would have been to leave him in the desert to grew up a peaceful goat herder.
  It sure seems clear to me now that all of this suffering and hatred that we forced upon him must have driven this poor unfortunate victim to kill more people than at Pearl Harbor. He in one evil cowardly act killed over 3,000 Innocent civilians from all walks of life, and many different ethnic backgrounds and countries. His violence was not aimed at a military target but at people who were just going about their daily lives. To add insult to injury he was totally helpless to carry out his evil deed without using our openness to the peoples of the world as a free nation and our willingness to even train the heartless terrorist to fly jets that we with our ingenuity and technology built, into magnificent buildings that represented to the world free enterprise and the American way. The United States of America has basically afforded this mad man his very existence. Oh yes remember Mr. Zen Monk if it were not for this dastardly country, this root of torture and suffering for this poor misunderstood sole. He’d still be milking goats in poverty in the middle of a desert!

  So, as I see it Mr. Thich the biggest sin and injustice in this whole story is for you the all knowing, deep listening, calm and lucid, enlightened, compassionate Zen Master.  Not! Is your assertion that we deserved what happened on 9/11 and that the evil aggressors were our victims! I would insist that if someone needed some enlightenment on the subject of compassion it is you. True compassion is something unknown to you. You are so wrapped up in your self and foolishness that you have become a mockery. If there is anyone who needs to reflect it is you. I would also insist that an apology to those you have insulted with this horse s—t is in order! If you can’t figure out who they are let me help you. They are the people of the United States of America! The greatest country this earth has ever seen .The most compassionate people in history. In our short history we have helped more people in and out side of our nation than any other peoples in the history of all humanity. For every evil deed that you can dream up and accuse the US for I can present thousands of compassionate acts carried out by our citizens and government. When was the last time you or any of your so called compassionate Buddhist buddies, or any of your countries made a difference any where in the world when there was a disaster? Gee I can’t remember one time ever hearing how Vietnam, or France, or Saudi Arabia or any other nation led the relief efforts anywhere. It is always the US who does the job while you enlightened ones find fault. We are the ones who not only saved the world from two world wars but we are also the ones who rebuilt the world afterwards. We even rebuilt the countries of our enemies. You, Mr. Thech need a history lesson before you suppose to tell us how we need to be compassionate or how to react to a mad man.
  Oh, and one more thing. Why don’t you do the world a favor and put a cork in it and stop spewing out all of this B S and foolishness.                                            
                                                                                            Yours Truly
                                                                                         A Proud U.S. Citizen 

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