Monday, September 19, 2016

They are not Patriots. They are cowards


                                       They are not Patriots. They are cowards                               11-12-12
            I keep hearing that our country is not done for because there are still patriotic people left, that there are still principled conservatives in the Republican Party that will fight to get the country back. I’m being told that I am over reacting to the election results and the shellacking the party’s handpicked moderate candidates got across the board. I’m being told that in two years we will be able to overcome the welfare state and the grotesquely obese public sector which now dwarfs the private sector because things will be so bad that everyone will see the light and decided to abandon their free ride. Really, I mean Really? Have you been paying any attention to the events that have led us down this path? This is not a matter of politics as usual, you know we win some and loose some. This is a result of the total collapse of what has always made America great, our men.
 I’m sorry but we live in a time in history when men as we have known them in our country’s past no longer exist. The American male has become a faint shadow of his heroic past. I believe that it is the greatest tragedy that has befallen any nation, or civilization. Compare the men who put their very existence on the line to establish this great Nation, to the absolute cowards that run our country today. They are more worried about their own comfort than the well-being of the people they are supposed to represent. The gold standard for this bunch of timid soles is the fact that they are more worried about what people think and say about them than they are about doing the right thing. This single fact disqualifies these men from calling themselves leaders. Do you want proof? Walk up to any politician today and mention Welfare reform, Social Security reform, Immigration reform, Medicaid reform, Tort reform, Tax reform, Healthcare reform, Campaign finance reform or ask them to stand against Gay Marriage, Abortion, Unions. Ask a politician to demand racial profiling when it comes to Terrorist, or to support the death penalty. Demand a budget from a Senator or that Congress not raise the debt ceiling. Demand that they balance the Federal budget. Do I have to go on? The reason we are facing the absolute demise of the greatest nation the world has ever known is that we are being led by cowards. It is not the Supreme courts job to decide on these issues it is the Congress duty to make law, to deal with these problems yet they have totally abdicated their responsibility in order to pad their nest, improve their standing, and guaranty their comfort.
OK, if that’s true then why are they there in the first place? Well, the sad fact is because we are more worried about our own comforts than the well-being of our neighbors and will allow this country to die before we will risk losing them. I’m sorry but when men are willing to give up their very freedom for a hand out we are done. When a man is willing to allow the government to take the responsibility for his family, let his neighbors foot the bill for his family’s well-being, and live off his neighbors toil without a thought we are done. When men actually believe that it is their right as a citizen to be taken care of by others we are done. What a disgrace we have become.
Now, I know that there are men out there that will read this and be insulted by my statements. Yes, and they will start to think on their defense but I would ask you to stop and consider the real men who stood against tyranny, who fought the wars to establish our nation and the ones who fought to keep it. All of who did so without regard to their own well-being but for the well-being of others, even those not yet born. I’ve got news for you. We are not the greatest generation but the weakest. When good men stand by and let what is happening to this nation go on without a fight these men are not Patriots but cowards.
                                                                             H. Scott Van Dyke



Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Rescue

                                                                               The Rescue!
                     It has been said that the hardest mission in the world is to rescue a man’s heart.
  Well, let’s consider a rescue. We’ve all seen it many times. The SOS; has gone out and the Coast Guard rescue chopper swings in low and moves alongside the crippled vessel. Stranded people are clinging to the hull, the storm rages all around and then in goes the rescue swimmer, slowly the basket comes down. One by one the people are loaded in and up they go until the last one, the swimmer is on board. Next scene everyone is wrapped in shiny space blankets and on their way to dry land and safety.
  The 911 call has been received, the sirens blare and the night is full of flashing lights and the red glow of a burning building. Smoke is everywhere, along with the sounds of the rescuers hurried voices crackling over their radios, there are people still inside the inferno. The TV crew is standing with the worried bystanders filming through the smoke as a ladder rises from the ground and swings to the open window filled with terrified faces. Then into view the firefighters as they reach in and grab those stranded in the nick of time. Next scene, the sidewalk, an ambulance, rescuers and the rescued with oxygen masks and shiny space blankets on and safety.
   The hostages have been located, the team moves slowly and quietly, one by one they take out the enemy guards. Then a flurry of gunfire and explosions, total chaos, then muffled voices and the freed hostages as they exit the compound at a full run heading for the chopper door. Next scene, dirty, tired faces wrapped in shiny space blankets headed for friendly soil.
  Notice anything? When we think of being rescued we have these pictures in our mind. Once you have been rescued you are out of danger. You’ve been plucked out, removed, you are now safe. But, is that the case when a man’s heart has been rescued? Are you now safe from the danger? Has the enemy been neutralized and now no longer a threat? Is your ordeal just a fading memory or dramatic story to be told from the safety of your living room? No, and here in lies the problem.
  Let me tell you a story of what the rescue of a man’s heart really looks like. This story comes from the movie “We Were Soldiers”. It is the story of the 1st Air Cav under the command of Col Hale More and its first engagement with the Vietcong. There are many things to learn about going into battle from the early parts of the movie, but I want to focus on the rescue. Now, there are guys reading this right now who have seen the movie and are scratching their heads because they don’t remember seeing a rescue. That’s what I’m getting at, because when you think of a rescue it looks like what I described earlier. But Col More and his men fought until the very end and defeated the enemy. So, where was the rescue?
  The scene is at the termite mound where the battle rages all around them. The camera pans to the radio operators huddled by the mound and they are getting reports from all units that they are being overrun. Hastings yells to Col More that they have enemy and friendlies mixed and they have no lines. Col More stands for a few moments and then says “Hastings, Broken Arrow- I say again Broken Arrow” Now, for you younger guys that is the military call for a missing nuke. However in the Vietnam era that was the radio call meaning that an American unit was being overrun and it called in all possible air support to aid the unit. In other words it called in air support to beat back the enemy enough so as to enable them to reestablish their lines and continue to fight. Not much of a rescue compared to what we expect when we hear the word rescue is it? Think about this, they are exactly where they were before they sent out the SOS; they are still surrounded in enemy territory by an overwhelming force. Rescued? They haven’t moved an inch and the enemy is still attacking. Someone is still trying to kill them, they haven’t gotten reinforcements, been resupplied or even been given a moments rest. Rescued??? You have to be kidding me!
   Guys this is the rub. Yes this was a heroic rescue. The Broken Arrow call was just what was needed at the perfect time to allow these men in the end to counter attack and defeat the enemy. There is no doubt that men today are in a horrific battle for their hearts and those all around them. And yes we need desperately to be rescued by God. But, we are looking for the wrong thing. We are all looking for a sanctuary, a place to hide. Safety and security is what we want from God. Please God get me out of this, send the chopper, the Seals, the firefighters to rescue me.
  If God answered those pleas for help in the way that you are asking who would be left to fight? What would be the outcome if we let the enemy win? What would become of our families, friends, for that matter the world? We are to be the salt and light not until we get tired, worn out, discouraged, but until the end. We are not supposed to be safe. God did not put us here to be safe. His purpose for our lives was for us to continue in the battle until the enemy is defeated.
 The thing that is so hard about rescuing a man’s heart is that men are not looking, praying, pleading for God’s rescue. Men are looking for a way out of this mess. Men are in a life and death struggle yet the Life of God choice is the tough choice, death is the easy one. After all what man in his right mind wants to grab for the safety line that pulls you not to safety but deeper into the battle?
                                                                                                                                                            Scott Van Dyke

Saturday, November 10, 2012

truer than ever

                                            Why Are Good People
                                           Liberals ?

 If you are a conservative think about it for a minute. What would compel some one who for all intense and purposes is just like you, to have such a convoluted view of politics? I mean after all they are your neighbors, coworkers, and friends. We spend time socializing with them .We get together in our homes and spend time with them in and out of work. We raise our children together taking them to sports and school functions. Our close friends even become confidants and people who we share our lives with. They seem to be just like us and yet when you get right down to it their politics run totally against all that we believe in. As a matter of fact they are the enemy! The politicians that they vote for are with out question Anti American. All you have to do is look at their voting records and it is clear. The people they put into office vote against our Country and the Judges that they appoint are hostile to the very Constitution that they are bound to protect.
 Now, it is very hard to understand because they don’t look like Socialist. They don’t march around like Communist waving red flags with hammers and sickles on them. Yet they vote for politicians who are. What could possibly be the explanation? I mean after all they live in the same country with the same freedoms as us and have just as much to lose if we lose those freedoms. So how can they follow and support tyrants like John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Tom Daschle, and scoundrels like Bill and Hillary Clinton?
 Are these people we know really in support of killing hundreds of thousand babies a year? Do they really believe that the thousands of years of the traditional family should be replaced by allowing not only homosexuals to marry but to also remove the father?  Do they really believe that our Constitution should be replaced by activist Judges who are accountable to no one, to guide our country? Do they really believe all of the distortions, lies and deceit coming from their candidates? Or could there be something else that makes them ignore all of these things? Kind of like the old (See No Evil, Hear No Evil)?  
   I have wondered about this for many years and have been at a loss to explain it until recently.  After all when you try and have an honest discussion about issues with these seemingly normal people they fly off the handle every time. As soon as you try and pin them down on an issue they start spewing all manner of personal insults towards you and your political beliefs.  It then occurred to me that they have no intentions of discussing issues at all. Why is their response so inappropriate and hostile? What are they afraid of and Why? As I thought about it the answer came to me. They are not interested in the facts or the truth there is something which is more important to them than the truth. Now the question is what could be so important to these people that they are willing to give up their very freedoms to obtain it?

  Well, I have noticed something in talking to liberals. Call it a trend or similarity if you will. How ever if you listen to a Liberal long enough sooner or later you will catch it. You have to be looking for it or you will miss it hidden in all of the hype and sophistry but it is there. The reason, the justification, the over riding excuse for their irrational behavior. I call it (the what’s in it for me syndrome) that’s right hidden in there you will hear them say it. But when Republicans are in office I lose…. what ever it is. They will steal my Social Security, the Base will close and I’ll lose my benefits, I’ll lose the contract, they will do away with my program, I won’t qualify for assistance, I won’t get the scholarship, I’ll lose some of my union benefits, I’ll lose my health care benefits, and on and on and on. That’s right when Democrats are in power the money flows! The social programs flourish and the giveaways abound.
 The bottom line is that these people are all lined up at the great TEAT of the socialist party in this country in one way or another, and even though they would never admit it they will over look anything in order to receive their security. Damn the nation and its people who have to slave to pay the taxes for their security. Damn those who gave their very lives to make this a free and great nation. Damn those rugged individuals who through great personal cost set this nation on the road to freedom. They have become as slaves to their master to receive what ever their poison no matter what the cost, even lost Liberty. They are willing to turn the other way and let this Country fall into the hands of Communist in order to get their thirty pieces of silver.
 Now you may disagree but the next time you are talking with a Liberal listen close and you just may hear it tucked deep in their conversation. Listen.
                                                                                                               A Citizen      

not much has changed

                                       It’s The Politicians Stupid!
   Back when Bill Clinton ran against Bush 41 his main battle cry was it’s the economy stupid. What he was able to do was convince the people of this country that we were experiencing the worst economy in 50 years. The truth was that we were in a mild recession and not headed to ruin. Yet with the help of the main stream media he was able to convince a nation that his false premise was a fact.
 Well, I think that it’s high time that we with the help of the new media change some other false premises. One being that it is the fault of a run away judiciary that is threatening our liberties and the second being that it is the greed of our seniors that is causing our problems with social security .Let me explain. My favorite person in the new media is the pioneer himself Rush Limbaugh and one of the things that he loves to do is challenge peoples false premises. So, here we go.    
 Last Monday while listening to the Rush Limbaugh show the subject Walter Williams was discussing with his guest was judicial tyranny. They were talking about the Supreme Court and some recent rulings where justices have not only changed laws to fit their strange beliefs, and disregarded States rights and their Constitutions, but also were legislating new laws from the bench instead of interpreting the Constitution.
 This last year we in Massachusetts were assaulted by our State Supreme Court when Justice Marshal and three rogue judges TROUNCED our liberty when they commanded our State Legislature to construct a law allowing Gay marriages. Stories are popping up all over our country of judges who are assaulting our Constitution and our rights and changing the make up of this country by judicial fiat.
  Well, that begs the question why? Why all of a sudden do we find our very freedoms at risk from these rogues in our judiciary? Do you think that they have suddenly appeared? The answer is no, they have always been with us. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams knew that there would be bad judges appointed to the courts and were very concerned about their threat to our nation. John Adams had article 8 the bill of address drafted into our State Constitution for that very reason.
 There has been land mark rulings handed down by the Supreme Court in the last thirty years that were unconstitutional, Roe vs. Wade for one. How about forced bussing and racial quotas and what about the Florida State Supreme Court rewriting election laws in the middle of an election!
  It was during their discussion I yelled at the radio it’s the GUTLESS POLITICIANS to one of their points and that’s when I realized that the premise was wrong. It is clearly the responsibility of our Legislature at the State and Federal level to write and enact Laws. No one else is given that right under our Constitution so if some one else is taking on that right it must be because of the neglect of those given that right to do so. Our gutless representatives that we our selves have sent off to public office have miserably failed us! I would suggest that our founding fathers would be quite dismayed at the mess we find our selves in yet would quickly point out that it is our own fault because we let them get away with it!
Later this week I was listening to Rush talk about the social security debate that we are all embroiled in. He went on a rant against the senior citizens who he implied are sitting back and demanding the workers of today to pay their way into retirement. That this was nothing but a welfare and entitlement program that is old and broken down and why should people who are going to retire expect us to take care of them?
Well that’s when it hit me. I don’t except the premise that it is the fault of our seniors. It is the fault of all of the GUTLESS POLITICIANS who over the last fifty or so years have refused to do their jobs! They have had no intentions of serving their constituents. They have become nothing less than self serving leeches with only their own profit in mind. All of these years they have been depleting the balance of money in the social security system, stealing it to use in unrelated areas, that’s right stealing. Try going into work tomorrow and take some cash or a check to buy groceries for your neighbor who is in need and put an IOU in its place and see what happens to you. You’ll be charged with a crime, stealing even though you tell them it was for a good cause.
 The problem with Social Security is not that there is a hoard of retirees who are sitting back waiting for their big entitlement checks to roll in. The problem is that my father now in his seventies had over his working years put a good chunk of cash into a system that politicians embezzled, and now that the system is in chaos it is some how his fault. A third grader could tell you what is wrong with the Social security system IT’S THE POLITICIANS STUPID!!!
 When are we going to hold these gutless leeches accountable for their actions? I am convinced that at this time in history where power in Washington has changed hands it is the perfect time to get the word out to the people of this country that when it comes to what allies us as a Nation

                                                                                  H Scott Van Dyke