Monday, September 19, 2016

They are not Patriots. They are cowards


                                       They are not Patriots. They are cowards                               11-12-12
            I keep hearing that our country is not done for because there are still patriotic people left, that there are still principled conservatives in the Republican Party that will fight to get the country back. I’m being told that I am over reacting to the election results and the shellacking the party’s handpicked moderate candidates got across the board. I’m being told that in two years we will be able to overcome the welfare state and the grotesquely obese public sector which now dwarfs the private sector because things will be so bad that everyone will see the light and decided to abandon their free ride. Really, I mean Really? Have you been paying any attention to the events that have led us down this path? This is not a matter of politics as usual, you know we win some and loose some. This is a result of the total collapse of what has always made America great, our men.
 I’m sorry but we live in a time in history when men as we have known them in our country’s past no longer exist. The American male has become a faint shadow of his heroic past. I believe that it is the greatest tragedy that has befallen any nation, or civilization. Compare the men who put their very existence on the line to establish this great Nation, to the absolute cowards that run our country today. They are more worried about their own comfort than the well-being of the people they are supposed to represent. The gold standard for this bunch of timid soles is the fact that they are more worried about what people think and say about them than they are about doing the right thing. This single fact disqualifies these men from calling themselves leaders. Do you want proof? Walk up to any politician today and mention Welfare reform, Social Security reform, Immigration reform, Medicaid reform, Tort reform, Tax reform, Healthcare reform, Campaign finance reform or ask them to stand against Gay Marriage, Abortion, Unions. Ask a politician to demand racial profiling when it comes to Terrorist, or to support the death penalty. Demand a budget from a Senator or that Congress not raise the debt ceiling. Demand that they balance the Federal budget. Do I have to go on? The reason we are facing the absolute demise of the greatest nation the world has ever known is that we are being led by cowards. It is not the Supreme courts job to decide on these issues it is the Congress duty to make law, to deal with these problems yet they have totally abdicated their responsibility in order to pad their nest, improve their standing, and guaranty their comfort.
OK, if that’s true then why are they there in the first place? Well, the sad fact is because we are more worried about our own comforts than the well-being of our neighbors and will allow this country to die before we will risk losing them. I’m sorry but when men are willing to give up their very freedom for a hand out we are done. When a man is willing to allow the government to take the responsibility for his family, let his neighbors foot the bill for his family’s well-being, and live off his neighbors toil without a thought we are done. When men actually believe that it is their right as a citizen to be taken care of by others we are done. What a disgrace we have become.
Now, I know that there are men out there that will read this and be insulted by my statements. Yes, and they will start to think on their defense but I would ask you to stop and consider the real men who stood against tyranny, who fought the wars to establish our nation and the ones who fought to keep it. All of who did so without regard to their own well-being but for the well-being of others, even those not yet born. I’ve got news for you. We are not the greatest generation but the weakest. When good men stand by and let what is happening to this nation go on without a fight these men are not Patriots but cowards.
                                                                             H. Scott Van Dyke